Vortragender: Paolo G. Radaelli Gastgeber: Andrea Cavalleri

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 1: Introduction to symmetry in CMP

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 2: Crystallographic point groups and group theory

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 3: Introduction to the theory of representations

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 4: Key theorems about irreducible representations

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 5: Applications of representations to physics problems

MPSD Seminar
See 'more' for link for lecture notes and supportin material. [mehr]

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 6: Projectors, subduction and group product

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 7: Tensors and tensor products of representations

MPSD Seminar

Paolo G. Radaelli - Lecture 8: “Physical” tensors

MPSD Seminar
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