Advanced Python for Computational Science (IMPRS UFAST focus course)

IMPRS UFAST focus course

  • Beginn: 17.02.2025 10:00
  • Ende: 21.02.2025 17:00
  • Vortragender: Hans Fangohr, Martin Lang and others
  • Ort: online
  • Gastgeber: IMPRS UFAST
Advanced Python for Computational Science (IMPRS UFAST focus course)


Building on “Introduction to Python for Computational Science”, this course covers additional aspects: (i) advanced Python, (ii) additional libraries such as numpy, scipy, pandas, sympy, (iii) research software engineering and testing, and (iv) application examples with focus on physics and engineering problems.
Parts (i) to (iii) are covered in the beginning of the course. Part (iv) is delivered at the end of the week, and can be omitted if not relevant to the participant.

Topics include:

  • Higher order functions
  • programming paradigms
  • scipy, pandas, sympy
  • Research software engineering practices, in particular testing
  • Python installations
  • interpolation, root finding, curvefitting
  • Optimisation, computing derivatives
  • Integration of ordinary differential equations

17th – 21st February 2025
10:00h - 17:00h

Poster (pdf)

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