Reimar-Lüst-Fellowship of the MPG for Roman Mankowsky
For his dissertation, "Nonlinear phononics and structural control of strongly correlated materials", Roman Mankowsky, a member of the Quantum Condensed Matter Dynamics group from Andrea Cavalleri, has been awarded with the Max Planck Society's Reimar Lüst Fellowship at the ‘General Meeting’ of the Max Planck Society in Weimar.
With the postdoctoral fellowship, Roman will continue his research on the control of ferroelectrics on femtosecond time scales at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg.
The Reimar Lüst Fellowship is financed by a foundation that was created in 1983 on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Reimar Lüst, a former president of the Max Planck Society. The foundation's endowment consists of donations from German companies. The foundation fosters junior scientists via the two-year Reimar Lüst Fellowship, which is awarded annually.
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Junior scientists of the Max Planck Gesellschaft
June 2017, Weimar