James McIver The Ultrafast Transport in Quantum Materials group investigates how charge and spin are transported in quantum materials at terahertz frequencies and on ultrafast timescales.
Kartik Ayyer The Computational Nanoscale Imaging group focuses on developing new methods to image nanoscale objects such as biomolecules, primarily using X-rays.
Mariana Rossi The Simulations from Ab Initio Approaches group is especially interested in H-bonded systems composed of organic molecules and their interfaces with inorganic systems.
Andrea Cavalleri The Condensed Matter Dynamics group focuses on non-equilibrium phenomena in solids. Especially, we investigate how electronic and structural order can emerge as a result external drives, how transitions occur in solids dynamically and how energy flows into and away from a solid ...
Philip Moll The Microstructured Quantum Matter Group works on prototyping advanced functionalities that novel materials promise tomorrow with the actual materials available today. It is interested in quantum materials in which electrons fundamentally behave differently than in Copper or Silicon.
Jie Shan & Kin Fai Mak The Nanoscale Quantum Materials group, focuses on synthesizing and studying two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals quantum materials and their heterostructures.
Guido Meier The Dynamics and Transport in Nanostructures group investigates the influence of lateral nanostructuring and of coupling effects of ferromagnetic nanostructures with experimental methods and with micromagnetic simulations.