Group Members

Director Theory Department

Angel Rubio

IMPRS Executive Board
Managing Director


Senior Staff Scientists

Research Group Leaders

Group Leaders


Franco Bonafé

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

I-Te Lu

Humboldt Fellow
Visiting Scientist

Jin Zhang

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

IT Specialists

PhD Students

Esra Ilke Albar

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Xinle Cheng

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Sebastian de la Peña Ruiz

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Chongxiao Fan

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow
+49 (0)40 8998-88329

Fast Track Graduate Student of MPSD Hamburg and RWTH Aachen University

Afifa Farhat

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Lukas Grunwald

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Christian Jöns

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Ruipeng Li

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Anatoly Obzhirov

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Jingkai Quan

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Jonas Reimann

Doctoral Student
IMPRS Doctoral Fellow

Francesco Troisi

Doctoral Student
Master Student


José J. Baldoví

former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
former Postdoc

Group leader at ICMOL, Universtiy of Valencia, Spain ERC grantee & Distinguished Researcher Gen-T

Umberto De Giovannini

Group Leader
Visiting Scientist

Joaquim Jornet-Somoza

Visiting Scientist
former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
former Postdoc

Aaron Kelly

Visiting Scientist
+49 (0)40 8998-88339

Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University

Simone Latini

former Humboldt Fellow
former Postdoc

Enrico Ronca

Visiting Scientist
former Postdoc

Shunsuke Sato

Visiting Scientist
+49 (0)40 8998-88321

Assistant Professor
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Peizhe Tang

Visiting Scientist
former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
former Postdoc

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China

Davis Welakuh

IMPRS Alumni
Visiting Scientist
former Doctoral student

Postdoctoral Scholar at Harvard University

Lede Xian

Visiting Scientist
former Postdoc

Distinguished Research Fellow
Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, China

Distinguished Visiting Scientists

Kin Fai Mak

Kin Fai Mak

Associate Professor of Physics and Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, USA

Visiting MPSD: October 2021

Andrew Millis

Andrew Millis

Professor of Physics, Columbia University
co-Director Center for Computational Quantum Physics, The Flatiron Institute

Visiting MPSD: November 2017, January/February 2019 and January/February 2020

Phone and Email at CCQ: +1 646 876-5902,
Noejung Park

Noejung Park

Professor, Department of Physics, School of Natural Science
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Guest Professor at MPSD from March 2017 to February 2018

Visiting MPSD: June/August 2018, October 2018, April/May 2019

Jie Shan

Jie Shan

Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics and Physics, Cornell University, USA

Visiting MPSD: October 2021

Enge Wang

Enge Wang

Deputy President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
President Emeritus, Peking University
University Chair Professor of Physics, Peking University

Visiting MPSD: September/October 2019

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