Team Work – leadership – career strategies (IMPRS UFAST skills course)
IMPRS UFAST skills course
- Start: Apr 25, 2023 09:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Apr 26, 2023 04:30 PM
- Speaker: Simon Golin
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room O1.024

In this workshop participants will be introduced to the most important leadership styles and techniques and will acquire knowledge of the methodical approach to leadership tasks. Moreover, the participants will develop the competencies needed for an effective career planning process.
Part I - Team work & leadership in & outside academia:
- Team player – key player – head coach
-Basics of team work & leadership: An overview of leadership tasks and styles
- My leadership profile: Stocktaking of my key skills
- Ambiguous hierarchies: What does leadership mean in academia?
- Manager-employee discussions as a leadership tool: Setting common objectives
- Role change: Staff member – colleague – boss
- Team work & leadership competencies: My next steps
Part II - Career strategies accompanying the doctorate:
- Building potential – tapping professional pathways
- My qualification profile: Stocktaking of my key skills
- The labour market in & outside academia: Desirable and realistic career pathways
- Clarification of my goals: What exactly do I know already, what is unclear?
- Before the application: Strategies & stumbling blocks
- Networking & self-marketing: Building contacts
- In conversation with interesting people: Pinpoint questions and appropriate self-statements Career strategies: My next steps
25th – 26th April 2023 09:30h – 16:30h