Diagrammatic many-body theory for light-driven materials (IMPRS UFAST focus course)
IMPRS UFAST core course
- Start: Nov 29, 2023 09:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Dec 6, 2023 01:00 PM
- Speaker: Martin Eckstein
- Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
- Room: Seminar Room O1.024

Non-equilibrium Green’s functions (NEGF) provide a versatile framework to describe driven quantum many-particle systems, from photo-induced phase transitions in correlated materials to dynamically stabilized states in synthetic quantum matter. The formalism provides both the basis for perturbative approaches (e.g., the GW formalism for electronic structure, time-dependent Migdal-Eliashberg theory for non-equilibrium superconductors, real-time RPA approaches to describe the charge density wave instabilities, etc.), and non-perturbative methods such as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), which can describe electrons in the vicinity of the Mott transition (the magic spot for emergent complex phases of matter).
Theoretical concepts:
Brief summary of important models (Hubbard model, etc.)
Light-matter interaction in solids
Green’s functions, spectral functions, and self-energies
Theory for time-resolved spectroscopies (mainly trARPES)
The Keldysh formalism
A practitioners guide to Feynman diagrams
Numerical treatment
Coherent state path integrals for Fermions
Dynamical mean field theory in and out of equilibrium
Physics examples:
Floquet-Bloch states
Dynamical phase transitions, non-thermal criticality
Photo-doped Mott-insulators
Hand’s on examples using NESSi
09:30h - 12:00h