IMPRS Course Archive 2017

Career after your PhD - Academia, industry or science management?

Joint Career Days: Career after your PhD
On day one you will meet scientists as well as people from industry, NGOs and science management! Our speakers will share their experience regarding their doctoral studies and discuss career opportunities with you. On day two you may participate in workshops and coaching sessions on: Career coaching, career development, CV check, grant writing, funding consulting and science management. [more]

Superconductivity - IMPRS-UFAST focus course

IMPRS-UFAST focus course
This course covers the basic phenomenology and microscopic theory of superconductivity: - definition of superconductors and their thermodynamics - microscopic BCS theory: electron-phonon interaction, Fröhlich Hamiltonian, Cooper instability, mean-field theory, Bogoliubons [more]

Last steps of your PhD - Info meeting

Info meeting for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus
Are you about to finish your PhD? In this info meeting you will learn important facts for the last stage of your PhD, including all questions with respect to authorship, publishing, open access costs or printing your thesis at DESY. [more]



IMPRS Job Seminar

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
You are not sure yet what to do after your PhD? You want to know what kind of jobs are out there in the real world? You wonder what makes you interesting for industry? Then this seminar is the right fit for you!In this seminar you have the chance to quiz interesting people from outside of academia. Find your dream job! Or at least know where to look for it. [more]

Basics of chemistry and biochemistry - IMPRS-UFAST core course

IMPRS-UFAST core course
In this course, chemistry will mainly be understood as reactions. The course gives an overview about the basics of reaction chemistry and discuss what is already known and what can be measured in the laboratory nowadays (i.e. describing the current frontiers and where the research performed at CFEL can make a difference). In the biochemistry part, the basic principles of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, their replication etc.) and proteins, their structure and function etc. will be discussed. It will be interesting to work out where the new coherent sources can advance the field. [more]

Moderation training

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
Learn powerful and effective methods for conducting all types of meeting from an experienced expert. [more]

Intermolecular interactions - IMPRS-UFAST focus course

IMPRS-UFAST focus course
Within this focus course, we will study the basics of intermolecular interactions. These include molecular properties such as polarizabilities, to learn about the behavior of molecules in external fields, as well as the treatment of thermodynamic and statistical effects. [more]

Science Slam Workshop (IMPRS-UFAST skills)

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
You are proud of what you’re working on and want to know how to explain your research and promote yourself in an exciting way? Then this workshop is the right fit for you! In this Science Slam workshop you will learn to identify what makes you and your work fascinating. Find your personal style to blow your audience’s mind! [more]

Intermediate C++ for PhD students - IMPRS-UFAST skills course

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
The ideal programming language for a physicist would allow him to write his code in terms of physical objects, like Hamiltonians and wave functions, with all the properties we expect of such objects, without sacrificing performance to highly optimised codes. [more]

Workshops for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus - Conflict resolution skills

How to understand conflicts & solve them Conflicts appear in all areas of life and are sometimes inevitable. Since they are highly emotionally demanding, we often find it challenging to keep our mind clear and constructively think about a solution. [more]

Workshops for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus - Strengths based leadership skills

The Workshop is about: Confident vulnerability. Helping individuals know what their strengths are and what they are not – and becoming comfortable with both. Confident vulnerability leaves individuals open, curious, willing to receive others’ perspectives and synergize through their differences. It is a necessary prerequisite to interdependence [more]
A job interview is one of the most drawn-out and intimidating ways of making first impression. However, it’s also your opportunity to get on an employer’s good sight, which can give you a distinct edge over even those applicants whose credentials are better than yours. [more]

Workshops for PhD students on Bahrenfeld Campus - Competent at conferences

Conferences are a valuable opportunity to build your network of connections, but this doesn’t happen just by chance. Being able to initiate conversations and make a good impression quickly are key skills in making the most of your time at conferences. The Competent at Conferences workshop will teach you how to network effectively and productively at conferences, career fairs and other gatherings. [more]

Solid State Physics

IMPRS-UFAST core course
From a microscopic point of view, a solid is just a regular arrangement of atoms, embedded in a soup of electrons. Yet, a remarkably rich manifold of phenomena emerges from this simple starting point, ranging from simple metals and semiconductors to multiple kinds of magnetic order or superconductivity. In this course we will discuss basic properties of solids and their microscopic understanding. [more]

Good scientific practice

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
Want to learn more about good scientific practice? This course wants to support doctoral students to develop a responsible professional conduct as researchers. You will gain a general understanding of good scientific practice and scientific misconduct. [more]



Ultrafast techniques

IMPRS-UFAST core course
The course focuses on the use of modern light/ X-ray/ electron sources for investigating the physics/ chemistry/ biology phenomena. We will discuss scattering and image reconstruction techniques, spectroscopy and their use for time-resolved measurements . Key questions addressed are which techniques exist, how to use them, and which method is best used to reach a certain goal. [more]

Introduction to C++ for PhD students

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
In this C++ introductory course, you will completely learn the basic C++ syntaxes and will become familiar with object-oriented programming.As the course is going to be project-oriented, we will start by a physical problem from the beginning of the class and you will be instructed to implement a code to solve the problem during the course. [more]

Source technology

IMPRS-UFAST core course
The course provides an overview of the working principles of modern light/ X-ray/electron sources, including the respective physics background and their currentstrengths and limitations. The focus will be on techniques and technical basics. [more]

Preparing for your PhD defence

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
In this workshop participants have the opportunity to strategically engage with the upcoming oral examination. They develop individual strategies for preparing themselves and learn techniques so they can direct the discussion even at critical points. [more]

Garnet Chan - Many-body quantum chemistry for dynamics in the condensed phase

Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium

The theory of electronic structure and molecular dynamics

IMPRS-UFAST core course
The course provides an overview of molecular electronic structure theory, covering the Hartree-Fock method, many-body perturbation theory, multiconfiguration self-consistent field, configuration interaction, coupled cluster, and density functional theory. Also it will discuss how to treat the interaction of molecules with electromagnetic fields. After this, it will cover the basics of molecular dynamics. [more]

Matthias Bartelmann - A microscopic theory for cosmic structures

Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
Our Universe is permeated by a network of filamentary structures showing a remarkable degree of universality. When treated as a huge ensemble of correlated classical particles out of equilibrium, the properties and the evolution of these structures can be modelled and understood in a straightforward way. I shall describe a new theory for cosmic structures and first results obtained from it. [more]

Getting tasks done

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
A PhD is a marathon not a sprint. The sheer number of different tasks that need to be done can sometimes be overwhelming. Being able to set goals, prioritise tasks and remain motivated are skills essential for the progression and achievement of your PhD. [more]

Justin Wark - Creating & Diagnosing Solid Density Plasmas with an X-ray FEL

Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
4th generation light sources provide the capability to irradiate solids with X-rays at intensities in the range of optical lasers. At high focused intensities and sub-100 fs pulse lengths, solid targets transform to plasmas at several millions of degrees Kelvin. Detailed X-Ray spectroscopy allows us to probe the physics of these dense plasmas, and initial results have challenged our understanding of such basic details as how many bound states exist, and the rate at which collisions occur. It appears that current understanding of dense plasmas is woefully inadequate. [more]
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