IMPRS-UFAST opens Call with 28 PhD projects
The International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics (IMPRS-UFAST) has opened this year’s call for applicants.
The graduate school offers a structured interdisciplinary program concentrating on the theoretical and experimental aspects of ultrafast science and quantum materials research. It is located at the heart of the Hamburg Bahrenfeld research campus with its outstanding research infrastructure, world-class light sources and a vibrant scientific community.
Specific research areas include, among others, fundamental light-matter interaction, accelerator-based light sources, coherent controlled molecular and solid state dynamics, superconductors and quantum materials, extreme timescale spectroscopy, ultrafast and quantum optics and X-ray science.

Students work on up to two projects from an impressive range of research positions under the expert supervision of PIs from the four partner institutions: The Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD), where the graduate school is based, the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), the European XFEL and the Universität Hamburg.
In addition, the graduate school offers thorough training in the transferable skills needed for a successful career in research, from time management and career strategies to scientific writing, communication / presentation skills and good scientific practice.
As a truly international institution, IMPRS-UFAST is currently home to more than 50 PhD students from around 20 countries, mostly with backgrounds in physics and chemistry.
If the research projects covered the IMPRS-UFAST meet your interest, the school’s coordinator, Neda Lotfiomran, looks forward to your application by 6 November 2023. The graduate school will select the Fellows after a candidate workshop in February 2024. Please ensure that you have familiarized yourself with all aspects of the program before applying and that you follow the step-by-step guidelines for the application process in every detail.