Archive 2016

Here you can find past events of the MPSD institute and the MPSD research groups at the Universität Hamburg.

Speaker: Philip Ball Host: CFEL, CUI, DESY, European XFEL, HZG, MPSD, SFB 925, UHH

Why Water is weird

Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium
All life on Earth needs water to survive. But increasingly it seems that the characteristics that make water a solvent for life are also those that make it the weirdest of liquids. Some of these quirks of ‘life’s matrix’ are well understood; others are still being debated, sometimes furiously and controversially. I will explore what we do and don’t know about water, ending with a consideration both of how its behaviour in living cells can offer clues for new purification technologies and of whether its unique role for life on Earth makes it a prerequisite for life on other worlds. [more]
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