Archive 2018

Speaker: Hideo Aoki Room: Seminar Room I-II, EG.076-078 Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)

Higgs modes in d-wave and multi-band superconductors

MPSD Seminar
Higgs mode (collective amplitude mode) in superconductors, recently detected and analysed in a conventional, s-wave superconductor, opens a novel avenue for probing the U(1) symmetry broken state. Now we have extended the notion to an unconventional, d-wave high-Tc cuprate, where a characteristic third-harmonic generation hallmarks the d-wave superconductor in a space-group resolved manner[1]. We can also predict unique features in Higgs and Leggett (phase) modes if we turn to multiband superconductors[2].[1] K. Katsumi et al, PRL 120, 117001 (2018).[2] Y. Murotani et al, PRB 95, 104503 (2017). [more]

Superconductivity in single- and multi-band Hubbard models: can we optimise them?

MPSD Seminar
We can capture various unconventional high-Tc superconductors basically either with single-band models or multiband ones. We can theoretically explore how we can optimise them for higher Tc's. There, "multiband" should not be confused with "multiorbital" systems, for which I shall compare merits and demerits of the two classes from both quantum many-body algorithms and materials-science points of view. For the former, I shall mention the dynamical vertex approximation to fathom the correlation between the electronic structure and the superconductivity and to search for enhanced Tc's. For the latter, I shall present various ideas that include "flat-band" superconductivity. [more]
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