Visible and invisible Josephson plasmon in layered superconductors
MPSD Seminar
- Date: Feb 11, 2025
- Time: 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Lara Benfatto
- Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome
- Location: MPSD Bldg. 900
- Room: Seminar Room EG.136
The experimental measurement of collective charge fluctuations in metals and superconductors is a preferential tool to benchmark fundamental interactions in solids. Recent experiments in multicomponent systems, from superconducting layered cuprates to multiband metals, highlighted striking effects due to the interplay between different degrees of freedom. In this talk I will review our theoretical work to describe the nature of Josephson plasmon in layered systems with different number of layers in the unite cells, and how this influence their detection via different experimental probes, ranging from linear to non-linear optics from one side, and RIXS and ELLS experiments from the other side.
If you would like to meet with Lara during her visit, please contact Michael Fechner.