Publikationen von P. Tang

Zeitschriftenartikel (25)

Okugawa, T.; Tang, P.; Rubio, A.; Kennes, D. M.: Topological phase transitions induced by disorder in magnetically doped (Bi, Sb)2 Te3 thin films. Physical Review B 102 (20), 201405 (2020)
Du, S.; Tang, P.; Li, J.; Lin, Z.; Xu, Y.; Duan, W.; Rubio, A.: Berry curvature engineering by gating two-dimensional antiferromagnets. Physical Review Research 2 (2), 022025(R) (2020)
Sato, S.; Tang, P.; Sentef, M. A.; de Giovannini, U.; Hübener, H.; Rubio, A.: Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in massless Dirac fermion systems and topological insulators with dissipation. New Journal of Physics 21, 093005 (2019)
Sato, S.; McIver, J. W.; Nuske, M.; Tang, P.; Jotzu, G.; Schulte, B.; Hübener, H.; de Giovannini, U.; Mathey, L.; Sentef, M. A. et al.; Cavalleri, A.; Rubio, A.: Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene. Physical Review B 99 (21), 214302 (2019)
Peng, L.; Xian, J.-J.; Tang, P.; Rubio, A.; Zhang, S.-C.; Zhang, W.; Fu, Y.-S.: Visualizing topological edge states of single and double bilayer Bi supported on multibilayer Bi(111) films. Physical Review B 98 (24), 245108 (2018)

Preprint (2)

Fan, Y.; Wang, H.; Tang, P.; Murakami, S.; Wan, X.; Zhang, H.; Xing, D.: Intertwined Dirac cones induced by anisotropic coupling in antiferromagnetic topological insulator. (2023)
Fan, X.; Sun, X.; Zhu, P.; Fang, Y.; Ju, Y.; Yuan, Y.; Huang, F.; Hughes, T. L.; Tang, P.; Xue, Q.-K. et al.; Li, W.: Stripe charge order driven manipulation of Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 topological superconductor. (2023)
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