Publikationen von A. Rubio

Preprint (26)

D. Choi, M. Mogi, U. de Giovannini, D. Azoury, B. Lv, Y. Su, H. Hübener, A. Rubio, und N. Gedik, Direct observation of Floquet-Bloch states in monolayer graphene. 22-Apr-2024.
I.-T. Lu, D. Shin, H. Hübener, U. de Giovannini, S. Latini, M. Ruggenthaler, und A. Rubio, Cavity engineered phonon-mediated superconductivity in MgB2 from first principles quantum electrodynamics. 11-Apr-2024.
G. Kipp, H. Bretscher, B. Schulte, D. Herrmann, K. Kusyak, M. Day, S. Kesavan, T. Matsuyama, X. Li, S. M. Langner, J. Hagelstein, F. Sturm, A. M. Potts, C. Eckhardt, Y. Huang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Rubio, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, E. Baudin, G. Meier, M. Michael, und J. W. McIver, Cavity electrodynamics of van der Waals heterostructures. 28-März-2024.
I. Březinová, M. Stimpfle, S. Donsa, und A. Rubio, Dynamical quasi-condensation in the weakly interacting Fermi-Hubbard model. 26-Feb-2024.
M. C. Daugherty, P. H. Jacobse, J. Jiang, J. Jornet-Somoza, R. Dorit, Z. Wang, J. Lu, R. McCurdy, A. Rubio, S. G. Louie, M. F. Crommie, und F. R. Fischer, Regioselective On-Surface Synthesis of [3]Triangulene Graphene Nanoribbons. 24-Feb-2024.
I.-T. Lu, M. Ruggenthaler, N. Tancogne-Dejean, S. Latini, M. Penz, und A. Rubio, Electron-Photon Exchange-Correlation Approximation for QEDFT. 15-Feb-2024.
J. Horak, D. Sidler, W.-M. Huang, M. Ruggenthaler, und A. Rubio, Analytic Model for Molecules Under Collective Vibrational Strong Coupling in Optical Cavities. 29-Jan-2024.
M. K. Svendsen, M. Ruggenthaler, H. Hübener, C. Schäfer, M. Eckstein, A. Rubio, und S. Latini, Theory of Quantum Light-Matter Interaction in Cavities: Extended Systems and the Long Wavelength Approximation. 28-Dez-2023.
H. P. O. Collado, M. Michael, J. Skulte, A. Rubio, und L. Mathey, Equilibrium parametric amplification in Raman-cavity hybrids. 21-Dez-2023.
J. Enkner, L. Graziotto, F. Appugliese, V. Rokaj, J. Wang, M. Ruggenthaler, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, A. Rubio, und J. Faist, Testing the Renormalization of the von Klitzing Constant by Cavity Vacuum Fields. 17-Nov-2023.
E. Viñas Boström, A. Fischer, J. B. Hauck, J. Zhang, D. M. Kennes, und A. Rubio, Phonon-mediated unconventional s- and f-wave pairing superconductivity in rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene. 04-Nov-2023.
S. Sato und A. Rubio, Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials. 13-Okt-2023.
L. Wei, Z.-L. Gu, A. Fischer, Y. He, Q. Xu, A. Ghiotto, C. S. Weber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, A. J. Millis, A. N. Pasupathy, L. D. Xian, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, J.-X. Li, und L. Wang, Mapping the Mottness under Magnetic Field. 08-Okt-2023.
D. M. Welakuh, V. Rokaj, M. Ruggenthaler, und A. Rubio, Non-perturbative mass renormalization effects in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. 04-Okt-2023.
S. V. B. Jensen, L. B. Madsen, A. Rubio, und N. Tancogne-Dejean, High-harmonic spectroscopy of strongly bound excitons in solids. 27-Juli-2023.
S. Chattopadhyay, C. Eckhardt, D. M. Kennes, M. A. Sentef, D. Shin, A. Rubio, A. Cavalleri, E. A. Demler, und M. Michael, Mechanisms for Long-Lived, Photo-Induced Superconductivity. 27-März-2023.
Z. Nourbakhsh, O. Neufeld, N. Tancogne-Dejean, und A. Rubio, An ab initio supercell approach for high-harmonic generation in liquids. 08-Dez-2022.
C. M. de Armas-Morejón, A. H. Larsen, L. A. Montero-Cabrera, A. Rubio, und J. Jornet-Somoza, A basic electro-topological descriptor for the prediction of organic molecule geometries by simple machine learning. 19-Okt-2022.
Y. Gao, A. Fischer, L. Klebl, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, L. Huang, D. M. Kennes, und L. D. Xian, Moiré Engineering of Nonsymmorphic Symmetries and Hourglass Superconductors. 06-Juli-2022.
E. Viñas Boström, F. G. Eich, und A. Rubio, Magnon frequency renormalization by the electronic geometrical spin torque in itinerant magnets. 13-Dez-2021.
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