Publikationen von S. Sato

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Y. Hirokawa, T. Boku, S. Sato, und K. Yabana, Performance Evaluation of Large Scale Electron Dynamics Simulation under Many-core Cluster based on Knights Landing, in Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2018), Tokyo, Japan, 2018, , 183–191 .
Y. Hirokawa, T. Boku, M. Uemoto, S. Sato, und K. Yaban, Performance Optimization and Evaluation of Scalable Optoelectronics Application on Large Scale KNL Cluster, in High Performance Computing, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2018, 11203.
S. Sato und K. Yabana, First-principles calculations for initial electronic excitation in dielectrics induced by intense femtosecond laser pulses, in LASER-INDUCED DAMAGE IN OPTICAL MATERIALS 2016, Boulder, Colorado, United States, 2016, , UNSP 100141A .

Preprint (1)

S. Sato und A. Rubio, Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials. 13-Okt-2023.
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