Publications of L. D. Xian

Journal Article (31)

Journal Article
Linear resistivity at van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer WSe2
L. N. Wei, Q. Xu, Y. He, Q. Li, Y. Huang, W. Zhu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Claassen, D. A. Rhodes, D. M. Kennes, L. D. Xian, A. Rubio, L. Wang
PNAS 121 (16), e2321665121 (2024)
Journal Article
Pressure-induced flat bands in one-dimensional moiré superlattices of collapsed chiral carbon nanotubes
X. Zhou, Y. Chen, J. Chen, C. Hu, B. Lyu, K. Xu, S. Lou, P. Shen, S. Ma, Z. Wu, Y. Xie, Z. Zhang, Z. Lü, W. Luo, Q. Liang, L. D. Xian, G. Zhang, Z. Shi
Physical Review B 109 (4), 045105 (2024)
Journal Article
Tip Growth of Quasi-Metallic Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons with Armchair Chirality
S. Lou, B. Lyu, J. Chen, X. Zhou, W. Jiang, L. Qiu, P. Shen, S. Ma, Z. Zhang, Y. Xie, Z. Wu, Y. Chen, K. Xu, Q. Liang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. D. Xian, G. Zhang, W. Ouyang, F. Ding, Z. Shi
Nano Letters 24 (1), 156–164 (2024)
Journal Article
Coordination engineering with crown ethers for perovskite precursor stabilization and defect passivation
Z. Zhang, Y. Yang, Z. Huang, Q. Xu, S. Zhu, M. Li, P. Zhao, H. Cui, S. Li, X. Jin, X. Wu, M. Han, Y. Zhang, N. Zhao, C. Zou, Q. Liang, L. D. Xian, J. Hu, C. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Bai, Y. Li, Q. Chen, H. Zhou, B. Zhang, Y. Jiang
Energy & Environmental Science (2024)
Journal Article
Phonon-enhanced nonlinearities in hexagonal boron nitride
J. S. Ginsberg, M. M. Jadidi, J. Zhang, C. Y. Chen, N. Tancogne-Dejean, S. H. Chae, G. N. Patwardhan, L. D. Xian, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Hone, A. Rubio, A. L. Gaeta
Nature Communications 14 (1), 7685 (2023)
Journal Article
Switching the Moiré Lattice Models in the Twisted Bilayer WSe2 by Strain or Pressure
Y. Gao, Q. Xu, M. U. Farooq, L. D. Xian, L. Huang
Nano Letters 23 (17), 7921–7926 (2023)
Journal Article
Passivation of positively charged cationic defects in perovskite with nitrogen-donor crown ether enabling efficient perovskite solar cells
Y. Yang, T. Zhao, M.-H. Li, X. Wu, M. Han, S.-C. Yang, Q. Xu, L. D. Xian, X. Chi, N.-J. Zhao, H. Cui, S. Li, J.-S. Hu, B. Zhang, Y. Jiang
Chemical Engineering Journal 451 (4), 138962 (2023)
Journal Article
Ultrafast Spin Dynamics and Photoinduced Insulator-to-Metal Transition in α-RuCl3
Nano Letters 23 (18), 8712–8718 (2023)
Journal Article
Carrier Management via Integrating InP Quantum Dots into Electron Transport Layer for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
J. Wu, M.-H. Li, Y. Jiang, Q. Xu, L. D. Xian, H. Guo, J. Wan, R. Wen, Y. Fang, D. Xie, Y. Lei, J.-S. Hu, Y. Lin
ACS Nano 16 (9), 15063–15071 (2022)
Journal Article
Ultra-strong spin–orbit coupling and topological moiré engineering in twisted ZrS2 bilayers
Nature Communications 13 (1), 4915 (2022)
Journal Article
Tunable multi-bands in twisted double bilayer graphene
Y. Zhu, Y. Chen, Q. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Huang, W. Zhu, D. An, J. Song, Q. Gan, K. Wang, L. Wei, Q. Zong, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Wang, L. Huang, L. D. Xian, L. Sun, G. Yu, L. Wang
2D Materials 9 (3), 034001 (2022)
Journal Article
Moiré engineering of spin–orbit coupling in twisted platinum diselenide
L. Klebl, Q. Xu, A. Fischer, L. D. Xian, M. Claassen, A. Rubio, D. M. Kennes
Electronic Structure 4 (1), 014004 (2022)
Journal Article
Moiré nematic phase in twisted double bilayer graphene
C. Rubio-Verdú, S. Turkel, L. Song, L. Klebl, R. Samajdar, M. S. Scheurer, J. W. F. Venderbos, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Ochoa, L. D. Xian, D. M. Kennes, R. M. Fernandes, A. Rubio, A. N. Pasupathy
Nature Physics 18 (2), 196–202 (2022)
Journal Article
Moiré flat bands in twisted 2D hexagonal vdW materials
Q. Xu, Y. Guo, L. D. Xian
2D Materials 9 (1), 014005 (2021)
Journal Article
Realization of nearly dispersionless bands with strong orbital anisotropy from destructive interference in twisted bilayer MoS2
L. D. Xian, M. Claassen, D. Kiese, M. M. Scherer, S. Trebst, D. M. Kennes, A. Rubio
Nature Communications 12, 5644 (2021)
Journal Article
Engineering Three-Dimensional Moiré Flat Bands
L. D. Xian, A. Fischer, M. Claassen, J. Zhang, A. Rubio, D. M. Kennes
Nano Letters 21 (18), 7519–7526 (2021)
Journal Article
Enhanced tunable second harmonic generation from twistable interfaces and vertical superlattices in boron nitride homostructures
K. Yao, N. R. Finney, J. Zhang, S. L. Moore, L. D. Xian, N. Tancogne-Dejean, F. Liu, J. Ardelean, X. Xu, D. Halbertal, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Ochoa, A. Asenjo-Garcia, X. Zhu, D. N. Basov, A. Rubio, C. R. Dean, J. Hone, P. J. Schuck
Science Advances 7 (10), eabe8691 (2021)
Journal Article
Higher-Order Band Topology in Twisted Moiré Superlattice
B. Liu, L. D. Xian, H. Mu, G. Zhao, Z. Liu, A. Rubio, Z. F. Wang
Physical Review Letters 126 (6), 066401 (2021)
Journal Article
Moiré heterostructures as a condensed-matter quantum simulator
D. M. Kennes, M. Claassen, L. D. Xian, A. Georges, A. J. Millis, J. Hone, C. R. Dean, D. N. Basov, A. N. Pasupathy, A. Rubio
Nature Physics 17 (2), 155–163 (2021)
Journal Article
Moiréless correlations in ABCA graphene
A. Kerelsky, C. Rubio-Verdú, L. D. Xian, D. M. Kennes, D. Halbertal, N. Finney, L. Song, S. Turkel, L. Wang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Hone, C. Dean, D. Basov, A. Rubio, A. N. Pasupathy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (4), e2017366118 (2021)

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