Archive 2016

Here you can find past events of the MPSD institute and the MPSD research groups at the Universität Hamburg.

Room: Seminar Room III, EG.080 Location: CFEL (Bldg. 99)

Wei Liu - Advanced ultrafast fiber laser sources enabled by fiber nonlinearities


Presentation skills

IMPRS-UFAST skills course
“Poets are born – speakers are made.” Public speaking is a necessity in scientific life. Take part in this two-days course, find out what your strengths are and develop your individual presentation profile. Take steps to learn how to lead the audience from your first appearance on stage until the last question in the discussion. Be authentic, enthusiastic and convincing! [more]

Designer nanostructures for visible light

MPSD Seminar
There exists a size difference between molecules and visible wavelengths. Nanofabrication techniques can be adopted to obtain designed meta-molecules or meta-materials, with interesting optical properties. [more]

Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices as a Testbed for Dynamically Driven Complex Materials

MPSD Seminar
Complex quantum many-body systems are ubiquitous in nature, but their behaviour often remains very challenging to predict with analytical or numerical calculations - especially when it comes to dynamics. However, using ultracold atoms in optical lattices it is possible to create precisely tunable, yet very accessible artificial solids, which can be probed with a large arsenal of observables. Using this experimental set-up, we demonstrate how a periodically modulated lattice can be described by an effective Floquet-Hamiltonian on longer time scales - even when driving the system far from equilibrium. This allows for implementing Haldane's model for a topological insulator, and mapping out its topological transitions, by applying an oscillating force to a honeycomb lattice. Using an oscillating magnetic field gradient, we also engineer spin-dependent bands. By adding interactions to the optical lattice system, we create a pure realisation of the Hubbard model and study how the distribution of anti-ferromagnetic correlations therein depends on the geometry of the lattice. We investigate how fast correlations can re-arrange, by deforming the lattice geometry on time-scales ranging from the sudden to the adiabatic regime. Finally, we explore how an oscillating force applied to this interacting system may be used to tune and enhance the magnetic exchange energy beyond the regimes accessible within the Hubbard model. [more]

Dynamical phase transitions in the long-range (powerlaw) interacting transverse-field Ising model

MPSD Seminar
Dynamical phase transitions (DPTs) have gained a lot of interest in the past few years in a variety of quantum many-body systems, where a system in its groundstate is quenched by abruptly changing a control parameter of the Hamiltonian, such as interaction strength or external field. Afterwards, a DPT can be detected in one of at least two forms: a type-I DPT which is detected, after relaxation in time, through the nonanalyticity of an appropriate order parameter as a function of the control parameter through which the quench is effected; and a type-II DPT which is detected as a nonanalyticity of the Loschmidt echo return rate as a function in time, without giving care as to whether or not a stationary state has been reached in the time evolution. [more]

Light induced enhancement of superconductivity via melting of competing bond-density wave order in underdoped cuprates

MPSD Seminar
We develop a theory for light-induced superconductivity in underdoped cuprates in which the competing bond-density wave order is suppressed by driving phonons with light. Close to a bond-density wave instability in a system with a small Fermi surface, such as a fractionalized Fermi liquid, we show that the coupling of electrons to phonons is strongly enhanced at the bond-density wave ordering wavevectors, leading to a strong softening of phonons at these wavevectors. For a model of classical phonons with anharmonic couplings, we show that thecombination of strong softening and driving can lead to large phonon oscillations. When coupled to a phenomenological model describing the competition between bond-density wave order and superconductivity, these phonon oscillations melt bond-density wave order, thereby enhancing pairing correlations. [more]

Generation and control of super-octave-spanning spectra


Nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly coupled phonon-mediated superconductors

CFEL Theory Seminar
Recent developments in ultra-fast laser techniques allow experimentalists to reveal intriguing aspects of the dynamics of superconductors such as the Higgs oscillations (amplitude oscillations of the order parameter) and photo-induced superconductivity. These experiments demonstrate the interesting possibility of manipulating superconductivity in nonequilibrium settings. However, the properties of nonequilibrium superconductors are not fully understood, and further theoretical explorations are needed. [more]

Coupled Cluster Theory for Strong Correlations

MPSD Seminar
Coupled cluster theory is the dominant method in wave function-based calculations in systems of small to moderate size. It provides exceptionally accurate predictions for a wide array of energetics and properties. Moreover, it is size extensive, meaning that it can fruitfully be applied to condensed systems, provided only that one has computational resources sufficient for the task. Unfortunately, coupled cluster theory often breaks down in the presence of strong correlations, such as those responsible for superconductivity or various magnetically-ordered states. [more]

Water splitting on hematite (Fe₂O₃) surfaces: insights from density-functional theory

CFEL Theory Seminar
The development of efficient ways to exploit the energy from the sun is an issue of major importance. Among possible solutions, the employment of solar energy to promote chemical reactions has the advantage of addressing the problems of harvesting, converting and storing energy at the same time. In this context, water splitting plays a central role both for direct hydrogen production and for the production of hydrocarbons. Therefore, great attention has been recently devoted to hydrogen production by means of photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells, via water splitting to molecular hydrogen and oxygen. The main challenge is to develop anode materials for these cells that can split water efficiently. [more]

The Art of Laser Ablation for Microwave Spectroscopy

CFEL Molecular Physics Seminar
Laser ablation has proved to be an extremely versatile sampling technique for non‐volatile samples in a range of gas phase experiments. [more]

Ultrafast Electron Dynamics and Circular Dichroism in Dependence of the Stoichiometry of Topological Insulators

MPSD Seminar

Manipulating electronic structure and transport in correlated oxide heterostructures

MPSD Seminar
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