Vortragender: Michael Ridley Gastgeber: Ángel Rubio Ort: CFEL (Bldg. 99)
Working within the Nonequilibrium Green's Function formalism, a formula for the two-time current correlation function is derived for the case of transport through a nanojunction in response to an arbitrary time-dependent bias. The one-particle Hamiltonian and the wide band limit approximation are assumed, enabling us to extract all necessary Green's functions and self-energies for the system, extending the analytic work presented previously [Ridley et al. Phys. Rev. B (2015)]. [mehr]

Numerically exact full counting statistics of the Anderson impurity model

MPSD Seminar
The full characterization of charge transfer processes in molecular junctions requires techniques for evaluating not only the first and second moments of charge currents, but also higher-order statistical cumulants of the charge transfer process. The complete set of cumulants gives access to the full counting statistics (FCS) through the so-called generating function [1]. [mehr]
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