SAB-2022 Posters
These are the posters and abstracts the group has prepared for the scientific advisory board (Fachbeirat) evaluation of 2022.
LMG-1: General Methods for Electron Density Prediction in the Condensed Phase and Calculation of Vibrational Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy
Authors: Alan Lewis, Paolo Lazarroni, Karen Fidanyan and Mariana Rossi
LMG-2: Dissipative Tunneling Rates through the Incorporation of First-Principles Electronic Friction in Instanton Rate Theory
Authors: Yair Litman, Eszter S. Pós and Mariana Rossi
LMG-3: Modelling the Nuclear Structure and Dynamics of Molecules in Different Environments
Authors: Marcin Krynski, Yair Litman, Alaa Akkoush, Dmitrii Maksimov and Mariana Rossi